Hoover Dam is located in near of Boulder city, Nevada state, over of Colorado river, Hoover dam has a great History. One of the best and awesome places made by man in 1935 time, it’s a largest Dam of the world at those time and great creations to views of all tourists. Starting time of making of dam, was too many problem coming, due to no huge sources tool, present time have lots of machine to help all things to make any things but in past (1930) was not proper tools, there fore huge of circus men and lot of other working man was coming therefore working at there dam, Many people dead after made of dam, due to some disease and lot of summer and winter seasons atmosphere, Dam would be made over Colorado river but his speed of water fallow was too fast and not possible to complete the dam other portions, the engineering made a planned, who hole in Red canyon mountain and was making a man made river way, which was awesome for that time and first time made did like job, In during the made of hole in canyon, lot of worker going to dead due to hot atmosphere(temperature going to 60 degree), most of time worker bath with cold water during work, but 11 man dead after more effort in making of hole, During the made of hole circus man came here fore break the stone help of drill and other instrument and hanging on the rope because height of mountain was too long, throughout the working, most of las Vegas tourist came here for watching the working man, it was wonder act work and did by strong heart men, but all time afraid to come out more stone to over the head, lot of men dead during on stone drill, 24 hours worked by the men, no leave or no holidays during the dam making, only three day holidays, Christmas, 4 July, and worker day, but cut the money on that days also, when hole completed then blast the stone near by hole and change the root of river, huge of concrete stored at there, and It was best and strongest dam also. after 6 years efforts dam was completed and huge of attraction created near by area. but after a great effort the dam was completed in 1935, In near by area also made a tourist attraction and its history also showing the tourist, there for huge of tourist come here. its view the past time overviews how can worker made this awesome place then you must visit that place as well as you stay any
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