Wednesday, December 24, 2008

what want visitor ?

A traveler wants from a site is things to do, things to see. In things to do comes what he should do there after going to that traveling place.
Whether he should do shopping or travel or outdoors or entertainment depends on place to place .if the place is beach then he should do beach activities. If the place is desert then he should do activities related to that place.
And what they would see after going to that place.
What he is going to expect when he goes to a place. What he will see there. What are the famous locations which he would see there? What city experts suggest about the city. What places he is suggesting about the city to see.
What are the appropriate places to see for the traveler?
The appropriate places are those place which city experts suggest or which are famous places or what the visitor main motto to see.
What traveler wants to see?
It all depends on the visitor what his or her interests are? What he or she wants to see? if his interest is in music then he would like to see places related to music.
Which season to visit the place, he wanted to see?
What would be the best season for seeing the place? Whether the season is comfortable or not? Again it depends on the visitor in which season he wants to go.
Which types of hotels he wants to stay? Whether it should be cheap or luxury? what are the prices they are offering? it depends on the budget of the visitor in which type of hotel he wants to stay. If he is rich than he can stay in luxurious hotel or if he is poor than he can stay in some cheap hotels. All again depends on the choice of the visitor whether he wants to spend much money on the hotel or not.
All these questions should be answered by a website.

Which type of travel do ?

In worldwide number of people want to see every famous and adventure places but they don’t know which type of travel to do or which type of place to see because you can’t watch if there one place to see, basically it depends on the visitor but I know very well that mostly visitor want to that place where huge of adventure with some historical famous place to be found. They don’t want to watch one thing but with he found some adventure that place then they go those place, In worldwide millions of people visit to our hot destinations. I think that present time is better for travel because we have number of sources for travels. You can do that if you have some budget. Internet is solving our problem. Most of the famous travel websites located in the Internet if you open this is watch your budget cheap hotels, therefore you get it. All hotels sites or travel sites have cheap to luxury hotels listed,,, which sites have variety of hotels located like cheaper to cheaper or luxury-to-luxury. If you watch his list then you found many hotels are very luxury but very cheap that’s great for low budget visitor thus its help for all. Online reservation is very easy or cheap because if you do online reservations then you get many discount to the sites or hotels as the results of mostly visitor reserved hotels by online. Secondly if you going to that sites then you can also watch famous area at near hotels as well as which type of parks located and there are any beach to be located or not. According to change of time websites of hotels or travel industry change as well as hotels also due to visitor requirement. This is growing industry right now in worldwide and this is possible by online facilities.
If you watch in past time then you found that if you will visit any place then reserved our hotels rooms that time but some time no rooms available and you going to worry but right know this problem shorts out by online. Which type of travel you want? This problem solve by a trusted true sites which have great content to watch you proper way for travel.
MOst Famous sources of travel which can help you

Monday, December 22, 2008

Easy to Travel by Help of Internet

Travel industry is the wide industry that presents time as well as in future also. If you see that found number of most favorites place have huge hotels, inn, and vacation rentals to be found. But if you talk to your grandfather about travel and hotels in past time then they tell us that no medium to reservations for hotels rooms but in presents time have number of medium for reservations; example phone, mail or online reservations. Few year ago when online reservations comes then number of hotels sites appears in past year (1996 to 2008) which have listed number of hotels, inn, vacation rentals address listed. However travel websites including guideline of travel, cities information like which places have more things to see as well as things to do. Basically traveler spend our holiday also things to see and things to do places there fore mostly cheap hotels, inn, resorts, rentals to be found that places Due to that reason number of complex, amusement parks, museum, parks, garden created by govt. or private companies for earning money. That’s very great think and also great for visitor. Past few years some greatest travel websites going to big which includes Hotels. COM, Travelocity, Orbitz, tripadviser, and more. All have more affiliates due to affiliates earn more millions of money. But online reservations comes more disaster change on travel industry because this is very safe and fast service. All travel industry has more earning money plan like ads on our sites but great true travel sites deserved that ways. All great travel sites depend on the search engine. Right now most and fast search engine is Google there for all travel industry sites works and promote our sites according to Google, some are give ads on google, some working at seo style, some exchange our links to each others. IN World wide Google help to traveler also Yahoo, MSN.
At present time if you want to going to any hot spot then search hotels travel sites otherwise you know any sites then open it and reserved his hotels rooms at lowest rates as well as more cheaper discount with fun indoor or outdoor, also provides more cheaper tour including his reservations. There are millions of hotels reservations sites located in google search engine but few are successes.
We know information’s wiki sites, which called This is biggest information’s site in the worldwide because number of travel or travel experts writes our experience and information’s about to famous cities. When I was going to Las Vegas in last year then take huge of information to Las Vegas I get it about to I can found there which season is best for travel. I don’t know about Las Vegas but with the help of the I know that very well as well as then I visit there and found that information about is true all locations have right address and information. Then dude if you visit any your favorite destinations then there are more ways for information in travel industry. Internet services are really great in that present time.